Angel Studios Celebrates ‘Over 450 New Theaters Added’ for ‘Sound of Freedom’

The platform and studio that distributes the popular crowdfunded thriller Sound of Freedom announced that “over 450 new theaters have been added for the film’s upcoming weekend” showings despite “rumors” spread on social media that claim AMC theaters are making it difficult for fans to see the film in their local theaters.

“We understand there are rumors—predominantly in social media—that AMC theaters have made it difficult for fans to see Sound of Freedom in local AMC theaters, and we want to make it clear these rumors are not accurate,” Brandon Purdie, head of Angel Theatrical Distribution, said in a press statement Thursday. “AMC has been an outstanding partner for Angel Studios, and in fact, as a result of the movie’s performance and consumer demand, AMC has agreed to add additional screens for Sound of Freedom this weekend.”

The film is a true-life thriller exposing the dark world of child trafficking and the heroic efforts of Tim Ballard, a former government agent who quit his job to rescue a little girl from sex traffickers in the Columbian jungle. Ballard, who is played by Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ), ultimately created Operation Underground Railroad. This organization rescued over 120 victims, including children as young as 11 years old, during just one mission.

On its July 4 opening day in the United States, Sound of Freedom earned the top spot at the box office with the help of its Pay It Forward fans.

Since then, Angel Studios, which also distributes The Chosen, announced the film has “exceeded” expectations, having achieved the number 3 spot over its first weekend.

However, the announcement of the film’s success comes following attempts by left-wing media, including Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, Jezebel, and The Guardian, to smear it by linking it to QAnon conspiracy theories.

As The Post Millennial reported Wednesday, just a decade ago, in 2014, CBS Evening News praised Ballard for his work in dismantling a sex-trafficking ring in Columbia.

CBS journalist Elaine Quijano reported:

Less than 24 hours after the operatives landed, the suspected traffickers arrived on the island and the final deal with the undercover team began. Fifty-four boys and girls, aged 11 to 18, were ushered in for what had been billed as a sex party. They were given candy and drinks and told to wait in a small room.

According to the report, while the alleged traffickers were expecting a payoff of $25,000, their deal was never made because 25 Columbian special agents stormed the party and arrested four men and a former beauty pageant contestant, charging them with child trafficking.

Purdie continued to address the “rumors,” saying that both Angel Studios and the producers of Sound of Freedom are requesting that fans support AMC and all other theatrical partners.

“Summer is the busiest season for people working in theaters, so we ask that anyone attending a screening of Sound of Freedom show kindness to their local theater staff,” he added. “We have the best movie fans in the business. Let’s continue to show theaters the love that Angel supporters are known for.”

A list of all Angel Studios’ theatrical partners can be found here.

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Susan Berry, PhD is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]




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One Thought to “Angel Studios Celebrates ‘Over 450 New Theaters Added’ for ‘Sound of Freedom’”

  1. Bev Szuma

    Would like to see this movie come to our small little town…. We had had several sexual abuse cases come to the town’s attention… It would and could be an Eye opener for a lot of folks….Dogie Theatre ** Newcastle,Wyoming. 82701**** Darren Downs***


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